A Summer Biathlon is Cross Country running combined with Rifle Marksmanship
The 6K running race is divided into three parts:
First: The timing starts with waves of one or two runners leaving every minute and running an approximately 1-mile loop. As you approach the shooting range at the end of the first running loop, you will run into the range, catching your breath, lie down in the prone position and pick up an easy to use .22 caliber target rifle. You shoot 5 shots at a 4.5-inch metal knock down target 33 meters away. For each missed target you are required to run a 70-meter penalty loop after the shooting stop. If course conditions do not permit a penalty loop, 25 seconds will be added to the runners overall time for each target missed.
Second: After this first shooting stop, you run out of the range and run the same 1-mile loop again. The second time at the range you will shoot 5 shots at the same type target from the standing position and run the 70-meter penalty loop for each missed target. If course conditions do not permit a penalty loop, 25 seconds will be added to the runners overall time for each target missed.
Third: Once you’ve completed the standing position, you run out of the range and run the 1-mile loop a final time ending at the finish line.

Summer Biathlon at Camp Freedom May 31, 2025
Check out some pictures from our past!
Run Fast; Shoot Straight; Stay Healthy